Shiatsu-Therapeutin & Heilpraktikerin Psych.


Ich liebe Prozessarbeit mit unbewussten inneren Anteilen & Widerständen.
Unseren authentischen "Ich-Raum" zu erspüren und zu definieren ist ein innerer Prozess, der uns unsere Bedürfnisse und unsere Grenzen - unser "Nein" - auch auf der körperlichen Ebene wahrnehmen lässt.
Wir gewinnen dadurch Vertrauen in uns selbst und unsere Erfahrungen, ohne uns ständig im Außen und an Anderen zu orientieren.
Es entsteht ein klares Feedback zwischen Kopf und Körper, Gedanken, Gefühlen und Empfindungen, dem wir endlich ganz vertrauen können.
I have been seeing Rowan for Shiatsu for the past two years, she has been an amazing support during and after my pregnancy. I truly recommend to try Shiatsu with Rowan. She is a wonderful intuitive and experienced therapist. She really knew what I needed! Thank you!!!
- Monika de Ioanni
Rowan's Shiatsu sessions are simply wonderful! I completely relaxed and felt as if 10kg of weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I left the treatment feeling at ease. It's great to have a therapist who is compassionate, knowledgeable and has a wealth of knowledge about alternative nutrition and healing modalities!
- Gemma Bone
Rowan really helped me through a difficult time I was having. She has warmth and compassion and even though I went for the Shiatsu I found that the Somatic Coaching was of the greatest benefit. However the combination with Shiatsu was amazing, it is all very powerful stuff. I think that you would struggle to find a more generous and caring practitioner.
- Sabine Hellmann