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It's all my fault

Believing „it's all my fault“ - even when it is not – serves a purpose.

A pattern of „believing it's all my fault“ (or there is something wrong with me) can be a trauma response.

Focus on changing that belief keeps you in victimhood. And here is why:

During childhood, believing „it's my fault“ unconsciously served a purpose.

It is safer than to feel and show your anger, fear and hurt in a situation where others, often parents, had power over you.

Power to take their love away.

To punish you.

To hurt you.

So suppressing emotions and looking for validation outside of you became a strategy to stay safe and get love. The problem is, that as long as this strategy is unconscious, it has no „off-button“, leading to unhealthy relationship dynamics, co-dependency, chronic pain and compulsion or addictive behaviour.

Every time you feel invalidated, dismissed, rejected, not accepted, not heard...

Instead of feeling and expressing anger, you may add to a war inside of your body by getting sick or soothe yourself with any form of addiction.

Instead of feeling and expressing hurt, you may make an enemy of those around you, especially those who are closest to you.

Trapped emotions lead to people feeling trapped in their lives.

Focus on mindset and affirmations without processing the buried emotions driving beliefs like „It's my fault“ only reaffirm the repression while continuing to wreck havoc in our lives, our bodies and relationships.

Somatic inquiry and trauma-therapy can help your body to uncover and release unconscious emotional charge and process emotions that are stored in your body from old childhood wounds. It will bring clarity and relief and a new sense of aliveness and joy into how you can relate to yourself and others.

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